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Moduli Spaces of Positively Curved Metrics on Eschenburg Spaces

Jackson Goodman

created by daniele on 10 Jul 2019

15 jul 2019 -- 14:30

Aula Tricerri, DiMaI, Firenze


We give examples of Eschenburg biquotients which have disconnected moduli spaces of metrics with positive sectional curvature. The only previously known spaces with this property are homogeneous Aloff-Wallach spaces. We use the Kreck-Stolz invariant, based on the eta invariant of a Dirac operator, to distinguish connected components. The standard method of calculation involves extending the metric to one of positive scalar curvature on a spin bounding manifold. We generalize this method to spinc bounding orbifolds and apply it utilizing almost free isometric circle actions on the examples. This generalization has wide applications to questions about moduli spaces of metrics and diffeomorphism classifications.

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