Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Quantitative stratification and applications

Daniele Valtorta

created by daniele on 14 Mar 2019
modified on 08 May 2019

10 may 2019 -- 14:30

Aula 2, DiMaI, Firenze

Seminario congiunto di Geometria e Analisi Complessa e di Calcolo delle Variazioni ed Equazioni alle Derivate Parziali del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "Ulisse Dini" dell'Università di Firenze


In this talk we make a brief overview of the Quantitative stratification technique and its applications to study the singular sets of various geometric objects (harmonic maps, minimal surfaces, Manifolds with Ricci bounds and obstacle problems) , and comparing the different problems that arise with different examples.

The main article that will be cited are arXiv: 1611.03008, 1505.03428, 1504.02043, 1409.8537, 1403.4176, 1207.4236, 1207.3619, 1103.1819, 1708.02116, 1612.01813, 1703.00678, 1805.07988.

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