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Second fundamental form of Prym maps and totally geodesic submanifolds contained in the Prym loci

Elisabetta Colombo

created by daniele on 12 Mar 2019
modified on 01 Apr 2019

11 apr 2019 -- 16:30

Aula Tricerri, DiMaI, Firenze


We will describe the second fundamental form of the (unrami ed and rami ed) Prym maps in terms of the second fundamental form of the Torelli map of the covering curves. We will use this expression to give an upper bound for the dimension of a germ of a totally geodesic submanifold of the target moduli space of polarized abelian varieties, contained in the Prym locus. The motivation is to understand if and how to extend to Prym loci the Coleman-Oort conjecture (in collaboration with Paola Frediani)

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