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Submaximally Symmetric Quaternionic Structures

Henrik Winther

created by daniele on 08 May 2018

11 may 2018 -- 15:00

Aula C, Dipartimento di Matematica, Torino


We summarize the basics of the differential geometry of quaternionic structures, and their symmetries. Next we consider examples of structures with large symmetry algebras. In particular we discuss the case of maximal and sub-maximal symmetry dimension, both for plain quaternionic structures and for almost quaternion-Hermitian structures, which are quaternionic structures equipped with a compatible Riemannian metric. Finally we discuss how these models arise from the generalized Feix-Kaledin construction. My results presented in this talk are joint with Boris Kruglikov, Lenka Zalabova, and Aleksandra Borowka.

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