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Decomposition of the de Rham cohomology on complex nilmanifolds

Adela Latorre (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

created by daniele on 09 Nov 2014

12 nov 2014 -- 15:00

Aula C, Palazzo Campana, Torino

Differential Geometry Seminars at Università di Torino


Given a differential manifold $M$, the existence of a complex structure induces a bigraduation in the space of differential forms. Therefore, one would like to study when this decomposition moves to cohomology. This is already known when $M$ is K\"ahler, due to the Hodge decompostion theorem, and also when its dimension is 4, as proved by Draghici, Li, and Zhang. In this talk, we will recall some recent results about the topic and present our contribution to it, based on the behaviour of 6-dimensional nilmanifolds.

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