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Minimal hypersurfaces and positive scalar curvature

Thomas Schick

created by risa on 06 Apr 2018

11 apr 2018 -- 14:00

Aula di Consiglio, Dip.Matematica, Università "La Sapienza", Roma


There is a long history to find relations between the topology of a smooth manifold and its (Riemannian) geometry. The first such is the Gauss-Bonnet theorem which says that the Euler characterestic of a compact 2-dimensional surface without boundary is (upto a positive constant) the scalar curvature of that manifold. Particular conclusion: if the Euler characterestic is not positive (i.e. if the surface is not a sphere or a real projective plane) then there is no metric such that the scalar curvature is everywhere positive. The use of the Dirac operator allows to obtain similar obstructions to the existence of positive scalar curvature in higher dimension; but only for spin manifolds (as otherwise this operator doesn't exist). There is one further approach -invented by Schoen and Yau, which does not rely on the spin condition, but rather uses minimal hypersurfaces. We will present this approach and its main implications. There are two crucial problems with this approach:
-in its initial incarnation, it requires regularity results on minimal hypersurfaces which are available only in dimension less than 8,
- it needs a large integral first homology.
We will report on current work which aims to overcome part of these problems, due to Schoen-Yau for the first problem, and developped in joint work with Simone Cecchini for some aspects of the second problem. Specifically, we will introduce and discuss the case of 'enlargeable manfolds' (as introduced by Gromov and Lawson).

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