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Hermitian structures on complex nilmanifolds

Adela Latorre (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

created by daniele on 07 Nov 2014
modified on 28 Nov 2014

28 nov 2014 -- 11:00

Sala Riunioni, DMI, Parma

Seminario di Geometria di Parma 2014-2015


It is a well-known fact that nilmanifolds do not admit any Kähler metric, with the exception of complex tori. Therefore, if one wants to generalize the Kähler condition (e.g. balanced, SKT...), they appear as a natural class where to look for this sort of "weaker" structures. In this talk, we will review some general facts about nilmanifolds and recall some special types of Hermitian metrics, paying special attention to the recently introduced class of k-th Gauduchon ones.

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