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SMI course "Conformal geometry, Cartan connection and locally conformally Kaehler structures"

Toric locally conformally Kaehler manifolds

Nicolina Istrati

created on 27 Mar 2018
modified on 09 Apr 2018

17 may 2018 -- 11:50



Locally conformally Kaehler (LCK) metrics are conformal generalizations of Kaehler metrics. One can consider the fundamental form of such a metric and adapt to this context most of the things one does in symplectic geometry. In particular, there exists a natural notion of Hamiltonian action of a Lie group with respect to it, and so we can speak of toric LCK manifolds.

I will introduce and motivate these notions, along with some examples. I will then give a sketch of the proof that any compact toric LCK manifold admits a Vaisman metric. This is a particularly well behaved metric, whose existence translates into important features of the geometry of the manifold. Finally, I will explain how this, together with other known results, can lead to a classification of toric LCK manifolds.

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