Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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SMI course "Conformal geometry, Cartan connection and locally conformally Kaehler structures"

Contact toric manifolds of arbitrary codimension and Levi-Kaehler reduction

Eveline Legendre

created on 27 Mar 2018
modified by calamai on 16 Apr 2018

16 may 2018 -- 11:50



We extend the theory of symplecticcontact toric structure to arbitrary codimension. The convex moment polytopecone is replaced by some manifold with corners into some Grassmanian. Then we developed the theory of KaehlerSasaki metrics on these objects with a particular focus on product of spheres. This is a joint work with V. Apostolov, D. Calderbank and P. Gauduchon.

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