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SMI course "Conformal geometry, Cartan connection and locally conformally Kaehler structures"

$S^1$-Yamabe invariant on $3$-manifolds

Farid Madani

created on 27 Mar 2018
modified on 09 Apr 2018

15 may 2018 -- 11:50



After a short overview on the (non-equivariant) Yamabe invariant, we introduce the equivariant one. We show that the $S^1$-Yamabe invariant of the $3$-sphere, endowed with the Hopf action, is equal to the (non-equivariant) Yamabe invariant of the $3$-sphere. Moreover, we give a topological upper bound for the $S^1$ -Yamabe invariant of any closed oriented $3$-manifold endowed with a circle action. This is joint work with Bernd Ammann and Mihaela Pilca.

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