Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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SMI course "Conformal geometry, Cartan connection and locally conformally Kaehler structures"

Conformal Kaehler Metrics

Mihaela Pilca

created on 27 Mar 2018
modified on 09 Apr 2018

14 may 2018 -- 11:50



I will present the geometric description of conformal classes on compact manifolds containing two non-homothetic Kaehler metrics - necessarily with respect to non-conjugate complex structures. This result is obtained as a by-product of the study of the so-called locally conformally Kaehler metrics. Such a metric is defined as a Hermitian metric on a complex manifold, which in the neighbourhood of each point is conformal to a K ̈ahler metric. The talk is based on joint work with Farid Madani and Andrei Moroianu, available on arXiv: https:/arxiv.orgabs1511.09212.

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