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3-year postdoc position Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry

created by daniele on 13 Nov 2018

Deadline: 13 jan 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

We have a 3-year postdoc position in our joint project "Arithmetic and Geometry beyond Shimura Varieties", funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.

The postdoc can be based either at the University of Amsterdam, or at Radboud University Nijmegen. We expect the postdoc to play an active role in joint activities between the two universities. The position comes with a mild teaching load, part of which could be at the other university.

To apply, please send the following documents to postdocgeom18(AT)

- a short motivation letter
- a CV
- a short research statement

Two letters of recommendation can be sent directly to the same email address, stating your name in the subject field.

Deadline for applications and letters: 13 January 2019.

Best wishes,

--Ben Moonen (Nijmegen)
--Lenny Taelman (Amsterdam)

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