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Cambridge postdoctoral positions

created by daniele on 09 Oct 2018

Deadline: 15 dec 2018

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The University of Cambridge is advertising for TWO Postdoctoral Research Associates, one attached to the project "Homotopy Theory of Moduli Spaces" and another slightly broader but in a similar area. Here the term moduli spaces is to be interpreted very liberally, and could mean automorphism groups of manifolds, general linear or unitary groups, configuration spaces, spaces of positive scalar curvature metrics, and so on. A large component of the project will involve studying the homotopy theory of Ek-algebras made from such moduli spaces, so those with a background in higher algebra may also be interested.

Details may be found at


The deadline for applications is December 15. The first position is for two years, and the second is for one year, both starting around 1 September 2019.

For the future, a position similar to the first will be advertised next October.

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