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12 positions at Warwick advertised

created by daniele on 11 Sep 2018

Deadline: 21 oct 2018

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

We have just advertised 12 positions in the Warwick Mathematics Department have now been advertised, with a closing date of 21st October.

11126-088 Assistant (3 posts) and Associate Professor (2 posts)
11127-088 Professor (3 posts) and Reader (2 posts)
11130 -088 Warwick Zeeman Lecturer (3 year fixed term) (2 posts)

There is a link to the HR website from the Warwick Maths Institute `jobs’ page, but you can go directly to the HR webpage

and search `Browse all our vacancies’.

The positions will be highly competitive and cover all of mathematics, but I hope that there will be some excellent candidates in topology.

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