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Professor/Assoc. Professor position at University College of Southeast Norway

created by daniele on 09 Feb 2018

Deadline: 20 feb 2018

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Professor or Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics The Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences at the University College of Southeast Norway has a vacant permanent fulltime position for a Professor or Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics. We are seeking a committed and independent person with a Ph.D. in algebraic geometry, applied mathematics or physics. Research expertise in applied algebraic geometry, number theory or quantum information theory is required. Experience from cooperation with research groups in algebraic geometry or quantum information is an advantage. Interactions with the department’s existing research groups in algebraic geometry or quantum technology is encouraged. The successful applicant should have a broad and solid background in applied mathematics. A strong research network and ability to initiate and manage research projects will be regarded positively. We are looking for a candidate with an excellent publication record and demonstrated ability for independent scientific production after the PhD. Teaching experience at university level is required, and teaching experience at bachelor level is an advantage. The candidate should have good command of the English language, both orally and written. It is an advantage if the applicant commands one of the Scandinavian languages (Norwegian, Swedish or Danish). A successful candidate who does not speak Norwegian, Swedish or Danish is obliged to acquire a working command of Norwegian at least on level B2 within three years of being appointed. A complete description of the position can be found at Application deadline is Tuesday, February 20th, 2018. For further information please contact lars.m.johansen(AT) at the Department of Science and Industry Systems.

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