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Open call for Giovanni Prodi professorship

created by daniele on 10 Nov 2014

Deadline: 6 jan 2015

The department of Mathematics at Würzburg University, Germany offers two temporary Giovanni Prodi Chair Professorships (see for details) for both the periods Oct. 12, 2015 - Feb. 5, 2016 and April 11 -- July 16, 2016.

Applications from all fields of mathematics are welcome with the applicant at the level of associate or full professor. Only persons coming from outside Germany are eligible. Female applicants are especially encouraged to apply.

The professorship carries a teaching load of 4 hours per week plus the obligation to run a seminar or exercise group for 2 hours per week.

These professorships have in the past enriched our academic life in Würzburg. Prodi professors have interacted both with faculty and students leading to international contacts.

The pay is similar to the pay of an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship.

For further information and in order to apply please go to

Fill in the form there and send the supplementary material to

The application is open until January 6, 2015.

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