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Long-term position in algebraic geometry at HU Berlin

created by daniele on 08 Dec 2017

Deadline: 10 jan 2018

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

A long term assistant (postdoctoral) postion in algebraic geometry is available at the Humboldt University in Berlin starting 1st of April 2018, or later. The position is initially awarded for 3 years with a possibility of renewal for a maximum of 6 years.

Modest teaching duties are coupled with this position. Interested candidates should apply until 10.01.2018 by sending a CV, a description of ressearch interests and arranging to have 2 recommendation letters sent to Gabi Farkas.

The original advertisment can be found here:

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