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Post-doctoral positions in Bayreuth

created by daniele on 19 May 2017

Deadline: 30 jun 2017

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2 Post-Doctoral positions, for one year each, are available at the

Lehrstuhl Mathematik VIII of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bayreuth

in the framework of the

ERC Advanced Grant 340258-TADMICAMT (grantee: Prof. Fabrizio Catanese)

These positions are intended for research work in the frame of the topics of research of TADMICAMT.

TADMICAMT is the acronym for:

Topological, Algebraic and Differential Methods In Classification And Moduli Theory.

Its main themes of proposed research are:

1) Moduli of curves with symmetries and applications to Rigidity and Galois Groups.

2) Uniformization and Orbifold Uniformization.

3) Topological methods in Moduli Theory.

4) Classification and Moduli of surfaces with low invariants.

Researchers engaged in the project at Bayreuth University are:

Prof. Ingrid Bauer, prof. Fabrizio Catanese, prof. Michael Loenne,


dr. Stephen Coughlan, dr. Davide Frapporti, dr. Christian Gleissner, dr. Binru Li, dr. Sascha Weigl, and Andreas Demleitner, Songbo Ling, Luca Cesarano as graduate students.

The two positions shall be given as "Stipendien", this means Fellowships, remuneration is 30.000 Euro per year, and duties (including daily presence) are according to the rules of the University of Bayreuth.

The Postdoctoral positions shall be awarded for a period of 1 year, with the possibility of extension: but the project expires at the end of March 2019 hence the positions cannot be extended beyond this limit.

Applicants should send a CV, a proposed research program, letters of recommendation, a list of publications, and copies of publications which are not available online.

Application documents and letters of recommendations should preferably be sent electronically to all the following addresses:

Fabrizio.Catanese (AT)
Michael.Loenne (AT)
maria.neumann (AT)

Deadline for the applications is June 30, 2017.

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