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PhD positions in algebra and geometry at Genova

created by daniele on 26 Apr 2017

Deadline: 13 jun 2017

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The department of Mathematics of the University of Genova is offering 9 three-year PhD grants for positions starting from November 1, 2017. The topics include:

1) Algebraic Geometry (Claudio Bartocci, Mauro Beltrametti, Matteo Penegini).

2) Algebraic number theory (Stefano Vigni)

3) Commutative Algebra (Aldo Conca, Emanuela De Negri, Maria Evelina Rossi, Matteo Varbaro)

Application deadline: June 13, 2017.

Please forward this to any potential applicant.

For further information and application procedure, see:

or contact

Prof. Pinamonti (pinamont (AT)
Prof. Vigni (vigni (AT)
Anna Siri (siri (AT)

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