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19 PhD positions in Moscow

created by daniele on 20 Apr 2017

Deadline: 22 may 2017

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The Doctoral School in Mathematics of the HSE, Moscow, Russia, is pleased to announce 19 fully funded PhD positions in all areas of mathematics and theoretical physics, starting in November 2017.

Mathematics at the HSE

The Faculty of Mathematics has over 130 members, including 14 invited ICM speakers. Our main research areas are algebraic geometry, geometric and algebraic topology, differential equations, dynamical systems, representation theory, functional analysis and mathematical and theoretical physics.

Some of our recent PhD graduates have gone on to be welcomed as postdocs and instructors in several of the highest ranked mathematics departments in the world.

Most graduate level courses and research seminars take place in English. Our PhD students who are interested in pure mathematics or theoretical physics can have their theses supervised by any member of

-- the Faculty of Mathematics of the HSE:;udept=269069

as well as any of the associated international laboratories

-- The Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications (Scientific Director: F. Bogomolov)

-- The Laboratory of Mathematical Physics and Representation Theory (Scientific Director: A. Okounkov)

-- The Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms (Scientific Director: L. Katzarkov)

Graduate students who are interested in applied mathematics could also work with any member of

-- The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Economics

-- Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics

-- The Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications

Programme details: the duration of the programme is 4 years. All successful applicants will be offered a tuition waiver, accommodation in a university student residence for a nominal fee (ca. 1000 Russian roubles per month) and a scholarship of ca. 30000 Russian rubles per month.

Some of the successful applicants may instead be awarded a scholarship from the Skolkovo Innovation Centre (ca 75000 Russian roubles per month).

In addition to the above our PhD students benefit from rich social and cultural life in Moscow.

Application deadline: 22 May 2017

For all enquiries please contact School director Alexey Gorinov or School manager Oksana Kipovskaya

Full details on how to apply:

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