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PhD position in computational convex and algebraic geometry in Tuebingen

created by daniele on 31 Jan 2017

Deadline: 26 feb 2017

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The research group on Tropical geometry at Tuebingen University (Germany) is offering a PhD position in computational convex and algebraic geometry. The position will start in spring/early summer 2017 and is initially limited to the end of 2018, with a possible continuation at TU Berlin. The position will be funded by the collaborative research center SFB/TRR 195 - Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application. The position comes with no teaching duties. German language skills are welcome but not obligatory (can be acquired during the stay in Germany). We are very much looking forward to receiving your application in German or in English before 26 Feburary 2017. For more details, see

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