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Postdoctoral position in arithmetic geometry in Caen

created by daniele on 11 Jan 2016

Deadline: 14 feb 2016

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

A two-year postdoc position under [Jérôme Poineau's] supervision will be available at the university of Caen, starting in September 2016 (quite flexible).

The postdoc will be supported by the ERC Starting Grant project TOSSIBERG "Theory of Stein Spaces in Berkovich Geometry" (grant agreement 637027, see The monthly salary is around 2300 euros and there are no teaching duties. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in mathematics.

Expertise in one of the following fields:
- complex Stein spaces and potential theory;
- model theory of valued fields;
- nonarchimedean geometry
will be appreciated but excellent applications in arithmetic geometry in a broader sense will be considered.

Applications should be sent to me by e-mail. They should include:
- a CV;
- a research statement;
- a research project
and highlight how the research of the applicant is related to the themes of the project (or the themes of my research more generally). Applicants should also arrange for one or two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to me.

The deadline for applying is February 14, 2016.

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