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PostDoc in math at Chalmers/GU, Göteborg, Sweden

created by bazzoni on 01 Dec 2015

Deadline: 1 feb 2016

Postdoctoral positions in Mathematics

The Division of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg invites applications for several two-year Postdoctoral positions starting August 1, 2016 or as agreed.

Outstanding applications from all mathematical research areas will be considered. Precedence will however be given to those who have a research profile compatible with existing research areas at the division. You are encouraged to make an initial contact with a potential mentor at the division before applying and to indicate this person in your application.

We conduct research at a high international level in areas such as algebraic geometry, number theory, algebra and representation theory, harmonic analysis and partial differential equations, computational mathematics and optimization, discrete mathematics and probability theory, complex analysis, functional analysis, kinetic theory, general relativity and biomathematics.

More information about our research areas is available on the website

To enhance your chances in future applications for permanent positions we offer you the possibility that up to 20 % of your work may be spent on teaching. Our teaching languages are English and Swedish. As most of our teaching is in Swedish, teaching options will vary according to your language skills.

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