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Postdoc position at Karlsruhe

created by daniele on 18 Oct 2024

Deadline: 3 nov 2024

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear topologists,

I am advertising a postdoc position at Karlsruhe (Germany). The position is for 2 years, with a potential 1 year extension to 3 years. The official starting date is October 2025, but there is some flexibility.

Candidates working in homotopy theory, geometric topology, and related areas are encouraged to apply.

The deadline is November 3rd.

For details, see [1]. The ad mentions teaching duties of 4 hours per week during teaching periods, but this is counted quite favourably (e.g. co-organising the research seminar contributes 2h).

If you have questions regarding the position, please contact Manuel Krannich.


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