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Postdoc in Bologna in algebraic geometry

created by daniele on 16 Jul 2024

Deadline: 14 aug 2024

Dear colleagues,

a 1-year postdoc position in Algebraic Geometry is available at the department of mathematics of the University of Bologna, Italy. The position is funded by the research project "Geometry of Algebraic Structures: Moduli, Invariants, Deformations", but applications from other areas of algebraic geometry are welcome and will also be considered. The starting date must be before the 31st of October 2024. The deadline for applications is the 14th of August 2024.

The call is available at

and the application should be filled out here (registration required):

Please do not hesitate to contact Antonella Grassi (antonella.grassi3(AT), Concettina Galati (concettina.galati(AT) or Andrea Petracci (andrea.petracci(AT) for further information.

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