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Postdoc Position - Paris (IMJ-PRG)

created by daniele on 30 Sep 2022

Deadline: 14 nov 2022

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Postdoctoral position at Paris (IMJ-PRG)

We are hiring a postdoctoral researcher at Université Paris Cité (IMJ-PRG), through the Chaire Belotto, IDEX UP ANR-18-IDEX-0001 (see details here) . The position is for two years with a starting date no later than june 2023. We will also consider applications for a one year position with a flexible starting date. The position includes 2000 euros of traveling money per year. This is a research-only position with some teaching opportunities if desired. The position is limited to candidates with at most 5 years of experience after their PhD.

The hired postdoctoral researcher will interact with André Belotto da Silva, and will be encouraged to interact with other local researchers on the project topics. The topic of the project concerns metric aspects of singular varieties and their interplay with algebraic, o-minimal and differential geometry. The project contains three sub-projects which are specific to each of the three above areas, and the candidate is expected to work in one of these sub-projects. Candidates interested in at least one of the following subjects are strongly encouraged to apply: (real or complex) foliation theory, singularities of foliations, geodesic flow, sub-Riemannian geometry; real-analytic and quasianalytic geometry, o-minimal geometry; theory of resolution of singularities, logarithmic geometry, Lipchitz geometry.

Applications should be sent to André Belotto da Silva (belotto AT They should include:

a cover/motivation letter (please let us know if you can start the position before the end of june 2023).
a CV,
a list of publications,
a (short) research statement,
at most two letters of recommendation can be sent (they should be sent independently at the same email address).

Applications will be evaluated after November 14, 2022, then on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Requests for information should be sent to André Belotto da Silva at the same address.

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