Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Call for tenure-track associate prof. position in Geometry in Rome

created by daniele on 23 Jun 2015

Deadline: 20 jul 2015

Call for 1 RTD-B (tenure-track associate professor) position at the Department of Mathematics of "Sapienza" Università di Roma.

Candidates are required to have 3 years of experience as post-doc researchers. Deadline for application: 20 July 2015.

Details can be found following the link below (in Italian):

- Procedura selettiva di chiamata per 2 posti di ricercatore a tempo determinato, di tipologia B, presso il dipartimento di Matematica - settore s.d. MAT-03 e MAT-07 - settore conc. 01-A2 e 01-A4 - pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale IV serie speciale n. 46 del 19062015 - Bando - Allegati (MAT-03 means "geometry", 01-A2 means "algebra and geometry".)

Please, feel free to forward the present announcement to anyone who might be interested. Thank you!

Best regards, Gabriele Mondello

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