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One ERC post-doctoral position at HU-Berlin

created by daniele on 20 Nov 2021

Deadline: 5 jan 2022

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

I am advertizing one 3 year postdoctoral position at the Humboldt University, Berlin starting 1.09.2022 or later.

The postdoc position is in the framework of my ERC Advanced Grant "TAMEHODGE: Tame geometry and transcendence in Hodge theoryā€¯. Candidates should have expertise in arithmetic geometry / algebraic geometry / Hodge theory / o-minimality, ...

No teaching duties. German language skills are not required.

Please apply by 5.01.2022 by submitting by email a CV, a research description and 2 letters of recommendations.

Best regards,
Bruno Klingler

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