Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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2021 Direct Calls Program: Expression of interest for positions in Mathematics

created by daniele on 13 Sep 2021

Deadline: 31 oct 2021

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleague,

this is to announce a call for expression of interest for a pemanent position in Mathematics of the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of L’Aquila. The program provides opportunities of academic positions to scientists and scholars who have been working abroad with an equivalent position for at least three years. Candidates in geometry are welcome and are encouraged to apply by the end of October 31, 2021.

Please find all the information at the following link:

and fell free of writing to me for any further information.

Please forward this message to anyone who may be interested.

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