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Postdoctoral positions at UB

created by daniele on 06 Jul 2021

Deadline: 30 jul 2021

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

The Universitat de Barcelona under the program María Zambrano grants for the attraction of international talent, opens 42 postdoctoral positions in science.

The purpose of the call is to attract to the UB excellent researchers with at least 24 months of postdoctoral background accumulated in foreign universities or research centers.

Duration: 1 or 2 full years, at the choice of the successful applicant. The contract must be initiated between January 1 and April 1, 2022, except for justified reasons.

Import: € 4,000 gross per month and a single payment of € 3,500 is made as a transfer fee.

Interested applicants must contact by email with any of the researchers in the department whose field of research is related with the one of the applicant or directly to indicating the field of interest.

The deadline for Applications is 30th of July. You can find more information at:

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