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Bourses CEMPI 2021 at Univ. Lille

created by daniele on 30 Nov 2020

Deadline: 17 jan 2021

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

for 2021, the Labex CEMPI Centre Européen pour les Mathématiques, la Physique et leurs Interactions) propose several type of fellowships at Lille (France).

For more information, we refer you to the following links :

- two postdoctoral fellowships : deadline for application : January 15, 2021.

See :

Contact email: emmanuel.fricain(AT)

- 5 or 6 masters fellowships : deadline for application : February 17, 2021.

See :

Contact email: mylene.maida(AT)

- one or two doctoral fellowships : date limite de candidature : May, 2021 (to be precised).

See :

Contact email: patrick.popescu-pampu(AT)

Please can you diffuse this announcement. Thank you in advance.

(Note by User: deadline is indicative)

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