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PhD positions at University of Edinburgh

created by daniele on 20 Nov 2019

Deadline: 31 jan 2020

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The Hodge Institute at the University of Edinburgh will have several PhD positions available next year. The Hodge Institute comprises Edinburgh's algebra, geometry, and topology research groups, and currently has 15 permanent faculty, 8 postdocs, and 16 PhD students. We are part of the University of Edinburgh School of Mathematics, with 85 permanent faculty and 130 PhD students.

For more information about PhD positions in Edinburgh, please see You can contact any of us if you have questions.

In addition to university-funded places, there are positions available on the ERC grants of Arend Bayer <>, Nick Sheridan <> and Ben Davison <>.

The deadline for applications is 31st January 2020, but we also encourage applications before the deadline for possible early offers.

We particularly welcome applications from women and members of underrepresented minority groups.

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