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10 (Ten) post-doc positions in Edinburgh

created by daniele on 15 Nov 2019

Deadline: 21 nov 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

we have a number of post-doc positions in Edinburgh of interest to algebraic geometers. All are 3-year positions with one exception indicated below.

1. Five Whittaker fellowship open to areas all across mathematics; at least one of them is intended to be in Algebra/Geometry/Topology/Mathematical Physics. Deadline next Thursday, November 21.

2. Two post-doc positions on grants held by Nick Sheridan, an ERC grant `Homological mirror symmetry, Hodge theory, and symplectic topology’ and the Simons Collaboration grant on Homological mirror symmetry. "We invite applicants with a broad range of backgrounds in symplectic and algebraic geometry to apply. The theme of the grants is homological mirror symmetry, and its relationship with (open and closed) Gromov-Witten theory, the Gamma conjecture, Lagrangian cobordism groups, and Chow groups. Anyone appointed will have freedom to pursue their own research directions." Deadline December 15.

3. (To be advertised very soon; expected closing date early/mid December).
- One position funded by the EPSRC programme grant "Enhancing Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry", and
- two positions (one 3-year, one 1-year) on my (Arend Bayer's) ERC grant "Wall-crossing and Algebraic Geometry". Again, we encourage applicants from a wide range of backgrounds.

P.S.: Housekeeping notes:
- All application forms get taken down at 5pm on the closing date (sharp!).
- You have to apply to 1., 2. and. 3. separately (but just once for the different positions in each of these groups).
- Special requirement: in addition to a CV and research statements, just for 1. you are also asked for a anonymous one-page PDF file describing your research achievements (along with the years since PhD excluding career breaks, and a five-word descriptor of your research area; to be uploaded as "SS.pdf" - see the link above for details).

(Note by User: deadline is indicative.)

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