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Chapman Fellowship at Imperial College London

created by daniele on 26 Sep 2019

Deadline: 1 nov 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Imperial College London is seeking applicants for the Chapman Fellowship, a prestigious two-year postdoctoral position for finishing and recent PhDs in mathematics. The position is primarily research, with a small amount of teaching duties (about half the usual load). Chapman fellows are free to carry out their own independent program of research. Many past Chapman fellows have received excellent permanent positions.

For more information and to apply, please go to the website: .

Applications are due on 1 November, 2019 (strictly by 11:59 PM, GMT), via the website linked to above.

Note that applicants need to choose a staff member of Imperial's Mathematics Department to help review their application.

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