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Two tenure-track positions at NTNU

created by daniele on 23 Jul 2019

Deadline: 3 aug 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim has two open tenure-track positions in pure mathematics, one of which is reserved for a woman. Applicants must be under 40 years old and have received their PhD in 2014 or later (both adjusted for parental and medical leave). One of the two successful applicants will in addition receive a grant from the Trond Mohn Foundation, which will fund at least two PhD or postdoc positions.

Those interested in being considered for these positions through the Geometry and Topology group are invited to contact any member of the group (Gereon Quick, Markus Szymik, Marius Thaule or Rune Haugseng) for further information.

(Note by User: deadline is indicative.)

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