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International Prize “Enrico Magenes” 2015

created by daniele on 26 Jan 2015

Deadline: 1 mar 2015

The Italian Mathematical Union, in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics “Felice Casorati” of the University of Pavia, the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology IMATI-CNR “Enrico Magenes”, the Laboratory for Modeling and Scientific Computing MOX of Politecnico di Milano, students, colleagues and friends of Enrico Magenes, invites applications and nominations for the International Prize “Enrico Magenes” 2015 amounting to 10.000 Euro.

The prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of Analysis, either Theoretical or Numerical, of Differential Models and their Applications.

The prize is open to any person born since January 1, 1970; the deadline for applications and nominations is March 1, 2015.

Further information can be found on

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