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PhD Positions in Applied Algebraic Topology in Aberdeen

created by daniele on 25 Mar 2019

Deadline: 13 apr 2019

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

PhD positions in Applications of Algebraic Topology to Neuroscience.

Applications are invited for a fully funded studentship in applied algebraic topology. The studentship is funded by a collaboration grant between the Blue Brain Project at EPFL and the University of Aberdeen. The project involves research in algebraic topology, interactions with and applications to neuroscience.

Consideration will be given to applicants who already have or are expecting to have a First Class degree in mathematics or equivalent by the end of this academic year. Preference may be given to candidates with an MSc in mathematics. Some familiarity with applied and computational topology is an advantage but is not formally required.

Applications should be submitted to the University of Aberdeen

Candidates are encouraged to send a CV, a transcript of prior study and a letter of intent by email to Ran Levi at r.levi(AT), prior to formal application.

(Note By User: deadline is indicative.)

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