G. Faraco, L. Ruffoni: Complex projective structures with maximal number of Möbius transformations Mathematische Nachrichten 2018 L. Ruffoni: Multi(de)grafting quasi-Fuchsian complex projective structures via bubbles Differential Geometry and its Applications 2019 L. Ruffoni: Bubbling complex projective structures with quasi-Fuchsian holonomy Journal of Topology and Analysis 2019 L. Ruffoni, F. Tripaldi: Extending an example by Colding and Minicozzi The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2019 E. M. Barquinero, L. Ruffoni, K. Ye: Graphical splittings of Artin kernels Journal of Group Theory 2020 S. A. Ballas, P. L. Bowers, A. Casella, L. Ruffoni: Tame and relatively elliptic $\mathbb{CP}^1$-structures on the thrice-punctured sphere Algebraic and Geometric Topology (Accepted Paper) 2021 S. Francaviglia, L. Ruffoni: Local deformations of branched projective structures: Schiffer variations and the Teichmüller map Geometriae Dedicata 2021 L. Ruffoni: Manifolds without real projective or flat conformal structures Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2022 Y. C. Chang, L. Ruffoni: A graphical description of the BNS-invariants of Bestvina-Brady groups and the RAAG recognition problem Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics (Accepted Paper) 2022 J. F. Lafont, L. Ruffoni: Special cubulation of strict hyperbolization (preprint) 2022 P. L. Bowers, L. Ruffoni: Infinite circle packings on surfaces with conical singularities (preprint) 2023 D. Groves, J. F. Lafont, J. F. Manning, L. Ruffoni: Relative cubulation of relative strict hyperbolization (preprint) 2023