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F. Bianchi - T. C. Dinh - K. Rakhimov

Monotonicity of dynamical degrees for H{é}non-like and polynomial-like maps

created by bianchi on 29 Mar 2024
modified on 04 Jul 2024


Accepted Paper

Inserted: 29 mar 2024
Last Updated: 4 jul 2024

Journal: Transactions of the AMS
Year: 2023

ArXiv: 2307.10665 PDF


We prove that, for every invertible horizontal-like map (i.e., H{\'e}non-like map) in any dimension, the sequence of the dynamical degrees is increasing until that of maximal value, which is the main dynamical degree, and decreasing after that. Similarly, for polynomial-like maps in any dimension, the sequence of dynamical degrees is increasing until the last one, which is the topological degree. This is the first time that such a property is proved outside of the algebraic setting. Our proof is based on the construction of a suitable deformation for positive closed currents, which relies on tools from pluripotential theory and the solution of the $d$, $\bar \partial$, and $dd^c$ equations on convex domains.

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