Inserted: 28 oct 2021
Last Updated: 28 oct 2021
Year: 2021
We compute almost-complex invariants $h^{p,0}_{\overline\partial}$, $h^{p,0}_{\text{Dol}}$ and almost-Hermitian invariants $h^{p,0}_{\bar\delta}$ on families of almost-K\"ahler and almost-Hermitian $6$-dimensional solvmanifolds. Finally, as a consequence of almost-K\"ahler identities we provide an obstruction to the existence of a symplectic structure on a given compact almost-complex manifold. Notice that, when $(X,J,g,\omega)$ is a compact almost Hermitian manifold of real dimension greater than four, not much is known concerning the numbers $h^{p,q}_{\overline\partial}$.