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S. Naldi - D. Plaumann

Symbolic computation in hyperbolic programming

created by naldi on 16 Mar 2018
modified on 18 May 2020


Published Paper

Inserted: 16 mar 2018
Last Updated: 18 may 2020

Journal: J. Algebra Appl.
Volume: 17
Number: 10
Pages: 1850192
Year: 2018

ArXiv: 1612.07340 PDF
Links: Publisher page


Hyperbolic programming is the problem of computing the infimum of a linear function when restricted to the hyperbolicity cone of a hyperbolic polynomial, a generalization of semidefinite programming. We propose an approach based on symbolic computation, relying on the multiplicity structure of the algebraic boundary of the cone, without the assumption of determinantal representability. This allows us to design exact algorithms able to certify the multiplicity of the solution and the optimal value of the linear function.

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