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K. Zheng

Geodesics in the space of Kahler cone metrics, II. Uniqueness of constant scalar curvature Kahler cone metrics

created by zheng on 26 Feb 2018



Inserted: 26 feb 2018
Last Updated: 26 feb 2018

Year: 2017

ArXiv: 1709.09616 PDF


This is a continuation of the previous articles on Kahler cone metrics. In this article, we introduce weighted function spaces and provide a self-contained treatment on cone angles in the whole interval $(0,1]$. We first construct geodesics in the space of Kahler cone metrics (cone geodesics). We next determine the very detailed asymptotic behaviour of constant scalar curvature Kahler (cscK) cone metrics, which leads to the reductivity of the automorphism group. Then we establish the linear theory for the Lichnerowicz operator, which immediately implies the openness of the path deforming the cone angles of cscK cone metrics. Finally, we address the problem on the uniqueness of cscK cone metrics and show that the cscK cone metric is unique up to automorphisms.

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