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Brussels-London XIX

created by daniele on 02 Dec 2019

13 dec 2019

Queen Mary University of London

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

The next Brussels-London Geometry Seminar, on the theme of Ricci Flow, will take place on Friday 13th December, at the Queen Mary University of London in Room MB503, Maths Building.

The speakers and times are as follows.

11:00 Natasa Sesum (Rutgers)

13:30 Miles Simon (Magdeburg)

15:00 Burkhard Wilking (Münster)

Registration is free, but necessary so that we know how many people to expect. Please register using this link or at the website Lunch will be provided for all registered attendees.

Further details (including titles, abstracts and location of the talks) will be available on the seminar website:

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