Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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GESTA School 2019

created by bazzoni on 05 Jul 2019

10 dec 2019 - 13 dec 2019

ICMAT, Madrid

GESTA is the acronym for "Geometry Simpléctica con Técnicas Algebraicas" and corresponds to the name of the Spanish group of mathematicians interested in Symplectic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, and Mathematical Physics. The group was part of the European Research Network CAST (Contact and Symplectic Topology, and organizes the GESTA workshop every year, as well as several itinerant activities in Barcelona, Madrid, Toulouse and Lyon.

With this edition we intend to look at the role of Symplectic Geometry in Physics, particularly in the study of periodic orbits in celestial mechanics. In addition, as it already happened in GESTA 2014, we have widened the theme of the school to include Poisson Geometry.

Speakers: Urs Frauenfelder, Anastasia Matveeva, Cédric Oms, Ana Rechtman, Nicolai Reshetikhin.

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