Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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created by daniele on 03 Nov 2014

14 nov 2014

Mathematics building, University of Maryland, College Park

The new Metro Area Differential Geometry Seminar (MADGUYS), organized jointly by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland, is inspired by the Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar (BADGUYS).

Here are the details for the first meeting:

Date: Friday, November 14, 2014
Place: Mathematics building, University of Maryland, College Park

Luis Caffarelli (Austin)
Otis Chodosh (Stanford)
Jim Isenberg (Eugene)
Valentino Tosatti (Evanston)

All are invited, there are no registration fees. Young mathematicians and graduate students are especially encouraged to attend (lunch will likely be subsidized for graduate students).

For more details please check the webpage that will be updated regularly.

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