Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Summer school "Foliations and algebraic Geometry"

created by daniele on 13 Jul 2018

17 jun 2019 - 28 jun 2019


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Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a "Summer School" to be held in Grenoble from June 17th to June 28th, 2019 followed by a conference from July 1st to July 5th, 2019 entitled "Foliations and Algebraic Geometry".

1st week.

Mini-courses by J. Déserti (to be confirmed) - C. Gasbarri - V. Heu - F. Polizzi

2nd week.

Mini-courses by J.-B. Bost - S. Diverio - E. Floris - F. Loray - G. Meigniez

3rd week.

Mini-courses by C. Araujo - S. Druel/H. Guenancia/A. Höring

Talks by K. Amekik (to be confirmes) - A. Belotto - G. Binyamini - J.-P. Demailly - B. Deroin - S. Ghazouani - M. Mazzocco - L. Meersseman - J. V. Pereira - F. Touzet

Further information will be available on the website

Organizers : Benoît Claudon, Stéphane Druel, Carlo Gasbarri, Andreas Höring, Frank Loray and Erwan Rousseau

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