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Holomorphic Elliptic Geometry and Group Actions

created by ugolini on 21 Mar 2018

4 sep 2018 - 7 sep 2018

Bern, Switzerland

The event consists of the CUSO minicourse and the SMS Autumn Conference. Registration is now open, more information can be found on the conference webpage: https:/mathsites.unibe.chSMGHerbst2018

Minicourse: "Introduction to compact and reductive group actions on affine algebraic varieties and Stein manifolds" Gerald Schwarz, Brandeis University

Organizers: Rafael Andrist, Frank Kutzschebauch.

Speakers: Filippo Bracci, Adrien Dubouloz, John Erik Fornaess, Kang-Tae Kim, Hanspeter Kraft, Berit Stensønes, Erlend Fornaess Wold.

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