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Geometric and Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Physics

created by daniele on 01 Oct 2014
modified on 07 Feb 2015

16 mar 2015 - 19 mar 2015

TU Dortmund University, Germany

Next spring we intend to organize a Conference-Workshop on

"Geometric and Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Physics"

at the Faculty of Mathematics of the TU Dortmund University, Germany.

The date of the conference will be March 16-19, 2015. The plan is to offer 50-minute plenary talks in the morning and 30-minutes talks in the afternoon. There will be about 25 talks such that there will also be enough time for discussion.

We would appreciate if you or some member of your institute agree to present a talk and send us a preliminary title maybe with some explaining words. In particular we encourage PhD students and young researchers to present their work.

The following non-exhaustive list contains some keywords that may describe possible topics:
-generalized geometries,
-representation theory,
-spin geometry,
-quantum field theory,
-algebraic geometry,
-(pseudo)-Riemannian geometry,
-general relativity,
-string theory,
-special holonomies

The decision if the organization goes into direction workshop or conference will depend on the feedback we get. There will be no conference fee and during the further progress of organization we will present a list of possible accommodations. We also try to be able to offer some financial support for students.

Please don't hesitate to forward this pre-announcement to the members of your institute and to your colleagues. You may also contact one of the organizers for further information.

Please let us know until October 10, 2014 if you are interested in presenting a talk.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards

Lorenz Schwachhoefer
Frank Klinker
Frank Reidegeld

TU Dortmund University
Faculty of Mathematics
-Differential Geometry-
44221 Dortmund, Germany
Tel: +49 231 755 3094
Fax: +49 231 755 5937


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