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The Arithmetic of Derived Categories

created by daniele on 25 Jan 2018

4 jul 2018 - 6 jul 2018

Povo (Trento)

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

Dear colleagues,

this is the first announcement of the workshop

"The Arithmetic of Derived Categories"

which will be held in Povo (Trento) from on July 4-5-6 2018.


Giulia Battiston (Heidelberg)
Agnieszka Bodzenta (Warsaw)
Alberto Canonaco (Pavia)
Max Lieblich (University of Washington)*
Ana Cristina Lopez (Salamanca)
Martin Olsson (Berkeley)*
Alice Rizzardo (Liverpool)
Paolo Stellari (Milan)
Lenny Taelman (Amsterdam)
Gabriele Vezzosi (Firenze)*
Charles Vial (Bielefeld)

*(to be confirmed)

Registration is free but mandatory. In order to register send an e-mail to augusto.micheletti(AT) before May 31st with the following information:

- Name
- Position and Institution
- Whether you need help in finding an accommodation and the dates of your stay

There is a limited amount of funding to cover local expenses of early-career mathematicians (PhD students and Postdocs). If you want to apply, register before March 31st and indicate so in your registration e-mail. In addition tell us the name of your adviser and provide a short paragraph explaining your reasons for attending.

For more information visit the Workshop website

Please pass this announcement to everyone who might be interested.

With our best regards
The Organizers
Lars Halle, Katrina Honigs, and Sofia Tirabassi

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