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5th Workshop "Complex Geometry and Lie Groups”

created by daniele on 14 Jan 2018

11 jun 2018 - 15 jun 2018


{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

This is the first announcement of the 5th Workshop "Complex Geometry and Lie Groups”, which is to be held at Università di Firenze from June 11 to June 15, 2018.

As of January 14, 2018, we have the following list of confirmed speakers.

Daniele Angella, Università di Firenze
Vicente Cortés, Universität Hamburg
Josef Dorfmeister, Technische Universität München
Martin Guest, Waseda University
Jun-Muk Hwang, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Hisashi Kasuya, Osaka University
Ryoichi Kobayashi, Nagoya University
Takuro Mochizuki, Kyoto University
Yoshinori Namikawa, Kyoto University
Yoshihiro Ohnita, Osaka City University
Alexandra Otiman, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Tommaso Pacini, Università di Torino
Yan Sun Poon, UC Riverside
Simon Salamon, King's College London
Nicoletta Tardini, Università di Pisa
Luis Ugarte, Universidad de Zaragoza
Luigi Verdiani, Università di Firenze

For more information and the registration form, visit the web page at

The deadline for registration via the web page is April, 1 2018.

In case you would like to propose a talk, please fill in the place for the title and abstract in the registration form. The deadline for submission of talks is March, 1 2018

We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop in Firenze.


The Scientific Committee:
Anna Fino
Ryushi Goto
Keizo Hasegawa
Fabio Podestà
Massimiliano Pontecorvo

11 Jun 2018
14:00 - D. Angella: Isometric immersions of locally conformally K\"ahler manifolds

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